$99.00 USD

Finding your Meaning in Management

Meaning in M.A.N.A.G.Ement

Welcome to the Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Academy's foundational floor. As you commence this journey, it's imperative to anchor your managerial aspirations in a profound "why." Regardless of whether you're just stepping into a leadership role or have decades of management experience, understanding your core motivation is crucial. This intrinsic purpose will be the torchlight during challenging phases—be it grueling work hours, daunting travel, or the intricacies of handling diverse personalities.

By journey's end on this floor, aided by our module and Workbook 1 exercises, you'll have crystal clarity on what drives you towards management.

Start on a journey with us on this introspective video & workbook to uncover your driving force in management. Let's dive deep!